
Weekly Worship Services



8:00 am Holy Communion

A traditional service, using the words from the Anglican Prayer Book with the exception of the 4th Sunday of each month, when our Messy Church service  is held in the evening from 4pm..

9:30 am  Holy Communion

A more informal service suitable for all ages. Contemporary Christian music videos form a major part of the Service.

Sunday School is available .


5.00 pm Holy Communion

A  friendly and informal service with Holy Communion.


Messy Church

The Fourth Sunday of the month

4.00 pm Messy Church - currently back and very popular

Kids and adults together exploring God's word through playfulness, craft, songs, story, prayer ... finishing with a meal.

Aged Care Centres

Monthly Midweek Services are held at the Aged Care Centres in the Parish

Henry Kendall

Aurrum - Wyoming

Chamberlain Gardens
