A place of acceptance, encouragement and growth - a place of God's healing and wholeness.
All are welcome @ Wyoming Anglican Church - Wearing of masks for services is optional
Welcome! Whoever you are, wherever you are in your faith journey, you are welcome at Wyoming Anglican Church .
Our church is a place of acceptance, encouragement and growth.

The Rev'd Hilary Wong
0413 334 743
We extend a warm welcome to all. Thank You for visiting our site.
Christmas 2024 Service Times
Friday before Christmas - December 20th 5:00pm Carols with Christmas Bible readings & Holy Communion Sunday before Christmas - December 22nd 8 am & 9:30... Continue reading→
Social Media
Hi and Welcome, the site is being regularly updated but for a more interactive approach you may wish to visit us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Community/HolyFamily-Anglican-Church-Wyoming-259265978096931/. Continue reading→
Messy Church
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Wyoming Anglican Welcomes You
We hope our website gives you an idea of who we are and what we do.
There is something going on at Wyoming Anglican Church most days of the week. There are different services, groups and activities to help people form friendships, learn about the Christian faith and grow in their faith. There are things we do to serve our local community and to share the love of God in whatever way is appropriate.
We would love to meet you in person at one of our services or at one of our groups or activities. You will receive the warmest of welcomes whether you are a committed Christian, new to the faith, exploring faith matters, or just wanting some support or company. We have a variety of services to help you connect with God and worship him. We give people the opportunity to grow in their faith and to ask questions in a non-judgmental atmosphere. We encourage people to get involved by using their gifts and skills.
We are also committed to being a safe church. This means being a safe environment for all from the very young to the very old and as well as our own rules and guidelines on this ( see https://www.wyominganglican.com.au/about-us/safe-ministry/ ) we follow and are bound by our Diocesan directives which can be found at https://www.newcastleanglican.org.au/safe-ministry/.
8:00 am - Holy Communion - Traditional service using the Anglican Prayer Book with hymns. Except for the 4th Sunday of the Month when Messy Church takes its place in the evening.
9:30 am - Holy Communion - A more informal service suitable for all ages with contemporary music.