You are Welcome
“Holy Family” is the Anglican Church at Wyoming on the Central Coast. It is home for many people who are at various stages in their Christian journey – those who are new to the faith, those who have been here a long time and those who are searching for spiritual meaning.
We love to welcome newcomers. Some are looking for a place to have their baby baptised, some want practical help in difficult times, some seek comfort in grief, some want the company of caring people, many want to deepen their faith. Our hope is that everyone who visits has an encounter with God who knows and loves them.
What you will find?
We are a diverse group of people from Wyoming, Narara, Niagara Park, Lisarow, Ourimbah, Gosford and further afield. We are all at different stages in our Christian journey of faith. We travel together, loving and supporting each other. We are looking to grow in Christ together and make Christ known.
Knowing the love of God in Christ is just the best! In him we are given a new purpose and direction, and can experience life in all its fullness. Join us in our journey!
Things that happen Often
At present, two services of Holy Communion are held each Sunday, and one on Friday evening. The Friday evening and 8:00 am Sunday services are more traditional.
The 8:00 Service is held weekly with the exception of the fourth Sunday of the month when it is replaced by our Messy Church Service at 4:00pm in the evening.
The 9.30am Sunday service is intergenerational with modern music, and praise. Children of any age are welcome to receive communion.
There are 4 Bible study groups and an EfM group that meet in the parish.
Messy Church meets on the fourth Sunday of the month at 4pm.
We have 6 Primary Schools in the Parish, and 2 High Schools. Scripture is taught ecumenically in the primary schools. We have authorised teachers.
We have 4 nursing homes in the Parish, with some visiting done by lay people, most of whom are authorised to give communion.
We have a very active group of worshippers from the Henry Kendall Retirement Village.