The Anglican Communion gathers Christians in more than 165 countries, following Jesus and with the Archbishop of Canterbury as first among equals.
Anglican Australia
23 Dioceses led by a Bishop supported by clergy and lay people. Parishes range from large city parishes to small remote groups who come together to live the faith.
Newcastle Anglican
Our local Anglican Church in the Central Coast, Hunter, Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Manning, Paterson and Port Stephens regions of New South Wales.
Safe Ministry
To you who experienced abuse, we feel shame and profound regret that people in the Church harmed you and harmed you again when you came to tell your story.
ABM is the national mission agency of the Anglican Church of Australia working both overseas and with the first peoples of our nation.
CMS is a fellowship of Christians & churches committed to global mission. Supports long-term workers across cultures to share the Gospel.
Bush Church Aid Society of Australia has a heart for people living in remote and regional Australia. We are going the distance to reach Australia for Christ.
Mission to Seafarers
The Mission to Seafarers and Stella Maris work together in Newcastle in providing a place of hospitality and safety to the Seafarers.
Anglican Environmental
Extreme weather and food shortages affect us all. The 5th Mark of Mission calls us to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the earth.
Bible Gateway
Bible Gateway is a searchable online Bible in more than 200 versions and 70 languages that you can freely read, research, and reference anywhere.
As the welfare arm of the Anglican Church in the Diocese of Newcastle, Samaritans is a Newcastle charity assisting thousands of locals in need.
Education for Ministry
EfM helps us to interpret the richness of the church’s faith in our complex world and to express it with confidence, in both words and actions.